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Standard Course - French

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2024S3 A1.1 Online MA

Standard Course - French

All the objectives found below are “communicative": grammatical and lexical objectives are included to those topics and will be introduced to you gradually.

0st block : Bienvenue 

  • Beginning with french 
  • Discovering the alphabet, the numbers
  • French prononciation 

1st block : Je suis... 

  • Introducing yourself
  • Greetings, introduce and meet someone
  • Nationalities 
  • Approach someone and ask simple questions

2nd block : Près de moi

  • Ask about a place
  • Express your tastes 
  • Present your family, talk about your family 
  • Basic verbs 
  • The masculine and feminine of professions
  • Hobbys 

3rd block : Qu’est-ce qu’on mange ?

  • Do groceries, ask for the price 
  • Go to the restaurant. (talk about food, understand a menu and order)
  • The singular and plural of nouns
  • The prepositions of place
  • The quantity  (partitives + a little of, a lot of, no of)

4th block : C'est où ?

  • Present a city/neighbourhood
  • It is / He/she is
  • The frequency

      Pace: 2.5 hours/week over 12 weeks

      2024S3 A1.2 Online MER

      Standard Course - French

      All the objectives found below are “communicative”: grammatical and lexical objectives are included to those topics and will be introduced to you gradually. 

      1st  block : C’est où ?

      • Getting around by public transport
      • Asking for directions - Understanding a route
      • The imperative mode 
      • Being able to talk about a city

      2nd  block : C’est tendance !

      • Commenting on a price
      • Asking/Saying the size and shoe size
      • Giving an appreciation of an item of clothing
      • Talking about the weather
      • Describing an object
      • The future tense
      • The adjectives and its place in a sentence 

      3rd block : Qu'est-ce qu'on fait aujourd'hui ?

      • Talking about daily activities
      • Asking for/ telling the time
      • Proposing/accepting/refusing a meeting
      • Describing someone
      • The recent past
      • Pronominal verbs

      4th block : Chez moi ! 

      • Le passé composé
      • Finding out about accommodation
      • Expressing rules for living together
      • Understanding house rules
      • Prepositions for place

      Pace: 2.5 hours/week over 12 weeks

      2024S3 A1.3 Online LUN

      Standard Course - French

      All the objectives found below are “communicative": grammatical and lexical objectives are included to those topics and will be introduced to you gradually.

        1st block : Chez moi !

        • Explain a domestic problem
        • Understand rules 
        • Say you are sorry in a text
        • Ask for a place to live 

        2nd block : En forme !

        • Describe a positive or negative emotion
        • Talk about your health
        • Give advices 

        3rd block : Bonnes vacances !

        • Describe a city, a country
        • Express what you prefer 
        • Write a postcard 
        • Book an hotelroom 

        4th block : Au travail !

        • Talk about your work / studies 
        • Present a professional project
        • Talk about your skills

        Pace: 2.5 hours/week over 12 weeks

        2024S3 A2.1 Online MA

        Standard Course - French

        All the objectives found below are “communicative": grammatical and lexical objectives are included to those topics and will be introduced to you gradually.

        1st block : Nouvelles vies

        • Talking about your background ( Life path: personal, educational and professional life)
        • Expressing your intention to do something
        • Talking about your tastes
        • Proposing, accepting or refusing a meeting

        2nd block : Je me souviens

        • Talk about past
        • Telling a memory
        • Expressing likes and dislikes
        • Asking about a memory

        3rd block : Comme à la maison  

        • Describe a place
        • Renting accommodation
        • Expressing disappointment
        • Comforting

        4th block : Tous pareils, tous différents 

        • Portrait someone physically
        • Complimenting
        • Talking about someone's character

        Pace: 2.5 hours/week over 12 weeks

        2024S3 B1.2 Online MAR JEU MIDI

        Standard Course - French

        All the objectives found below are “communicative" :grammatical and lexical objectives are included to those topics and will be introduced to you gradually.

        1stblock: Mondes urbains

        • Give your opinion
        • Present an activity 
        • Talk about cities and architecture
        • Adjectives 

        2nd block : En route !

        • Share travel experiences 
        • Explain the organisation of a journey 
        • Talk about tourism and social media 
        • Past tenses 

        3rd block : Apprendre ... encore et toujours !

        • Talk about studies and work
        • Read and write a motivation letter 
        • Changing your career 

        4th block : Mieux consommer !

        • Consumption and environment 
        • Express your opinion 
        • Convince people 
        • Give your opinion
        • Present an activity 
        • Talk about cities and architecture
        • Adjectives 

        Pace: 2.5 hours/week over 12 weeks

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