Learn about French society and politics by attending conferences and debates in French or English organised by Alliance Française Amsterdam and our partners.
Découvrez la société et la politique françaises en assistant aux conférences et débats  organisés par l'Alliance Française d'Amsterdam et ses partenaires. 

Conference "Ethics of AI: What impacts on Geopolitics & Security?" - October 2023 (ENG)
Conference Euro-topies - April 2022 (ENG)
Table-ronde sur les élections présidentielles francaises - March 2022 (FR) 
Spinozaland, Bringing 'Faction' to philosophy - March 2021 (ENG)

Conference "Ethics OF AI: Geopolitics & Security" - Oct 2023 (ENG)

How can we make the most of AI technologies while guaranteeing the protection of values that form the basis of democratic societies - notably the safety of human beings? What governance of AI can we collectively build at the global level? 

The Alliance française Amsterdam organised, in partnership with Codam, a round-table with international experts who discussed the theme "Ethics of AI: What impacts on Geopolitics & Security?" on October 19th, 2023.

Conference Euro-TOPIES - APRIL 2022 (eng) 

In the frame of Le Festival Utopies and the French Presidency of the European Union 2022, a panel of specialists discussed the objectives, dreams and realities of the European territory.

French presidential elections - marCH 2022 (fr)

Les Alliances Françaises de Rotterdam, la Haye, Utrecht et Amsterdam vous proposait en mars 2022 une table ronde politique à l’occasion des élections présidentielles françaises. A la veille des présidentielles, il s’agissait de comprendre les enjeux de l’élection à venir, et, plus largement, de comparer les systèmes politiques français et néerlandais. Le regard croisé porté sur la France et les Pays-Bas permettra de réfléchir ensemble au contexte politique actuel.

Cette table ronde se déroulera à l’Alliance Française Rotterdam et en ligne. Animée par Antoine Mouteau, elle accueillera Francis Maizières, Stéphanie Van den Berg et Jean-Pierre Stroobants.


Spinoza’s world was inhabited by men and women passionately exploring freedom and truth. In his novel Spinozaland, philosopher Maxime Rovère brings this world to life and provides an original approach to Spinoza’s philosophy.

During this event, Spinoza scholar Miriam van Reijen discusses the approaches and significance of Maxime Rovère’s Spinozaland, a novel that sheds a new light on Spinoza’s life and work. Furthermore, we will learn about Rovère’s most recent research on Spinoza’s Ethics, for which he developed a wholly new approach, based on practical interactions between men, domains, families, and experiences. What can we expect from this type of historical approach when it comes to our conception of the history of philosophy? Could our understanding move beyond individual geniuses and towards intellectual networks in which ideas are exchanged?

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