Conférence Ethics of AI
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Kattenburgerstraat 5, Gebouw 039, 1018 JA Amsterdam |
(Description en français en dessous)
The Alliance française Amsterdam is organising, in partnership with Codam (a graduate school - offshoot of France's Ecole 42 -
specialized in computer programming and digital technology), a conference with international experts on October 19th,
- Fabio Cristiano, Associate Fellow The Hague Program on International Cybersecurity
- Bérénice Boutin, Senior Researcher in International Law Asser Institute, UvA
- Jelle Postma, Chief Executive Officer Justice for Peace
- Daniel Gervais (moderator), Milton R Underwood Chair in Law Vanderbilt University
How can we make the most of AI technologies while guaranteeing the protection of values that form the basis of democratic societies -
notably the safety of human beings? What governance of AI can we collectively build at the global level?
Thursday, October 19th
5:30PM - 7PM
Codam, Kattenburgerstraat
5, Gebouw 039, 1018 JA Amsterdam
If you have any issues or questions, please send an email at:
3€ for our members/students*.
5€ for non-members.
These entry prices includes a drink.
* The membership card costs only 20€/ year for the AF's students !
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