In-Company course request


Company's name
Enter an email addressContact email in the company
First name & SurnameContact person in the company
Position in the company
Type of companyWhich domain, field
Company's AddressStreet Address
Suburb / CityEnter a suburb name
PostcodeEnter a 4 digit postcode
Contact PhoneEnter your phone number

Course information:

For how many people?For 1 employee, or several
Why is French needed?Please give examples of situations
What is the employees' level?For a group class, each person may take our placement test later, but we do need to know the average level (beginner/intermediate/advanced)
Placement test Placement test

Start and end datesPlease give us an indication of when you would like the course to start and end
When would you be available for a call?When are you available for a phone call to discuss the possibilities for a private lesson? Please be as specific as possible.

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